7 Reasons The Dollar Vigilante Should Do A Male Makeup Tutorial To Redeem Himself On Steemit


I've been thinking about @dollarvigilante's situation all morning while writing my dense article about how I was crushed as a sensitive 18 year-old and I am happy to proclaim that I have a solution for his unique problem of coming across as an entitled and arrogant individual.

Now, I have never met him so I cannot say for certain that he is an arrogant, vapid person, however his latest clickbait title and advanced sarcasm would indicate something along those lines. But it's just a hunch, nothing concrete. I do have a sense of humor as well, but I tend to unleash that when I get to know a community really well, not in the beginning stages. But Steemit is now full of tremendous drama and energy, and this points to future action, on all fronts. This is a good thing. I support the energy of new conflicts.

Anyway, the minnows and some of the whales are feeling a bit hesitant so far to embrace your particular form of re-hashed, self-expression so I believe this is the solution that would make you popular here on the Steemit platform.

You would instantly erase all the reasons for people to dislike you because we all have very short attention spans, and you'd be instantly replacing disdain and presumed arrogance with glamour and humor.

Here it is:

You should do a Second Male Makeup Tutorial.

This would garner you lots of votes and even from your most bitter enemies. They would soften when they'd watch you apply the rosy-hued tints to your nicely shaped cheeks. I was going to provide you with a solid outline, and non-click baity title for you to use, but maybe you can generate those yourself.

Here are the 7 Reasons For You To Do A Male Makeup Tutorial on Steemit To Redeem Your Integrity:

1 This would indicate to your haters that you do in fact care about the Steemit community.

2 Your face is already beautiful, why not enhance that natural beauty even more?

3 You look good on video, and I bet your fanbase, both in Steemit and outside of it, would increase exponentially if you did this.

4 Your follower base might even include skeptics like myself.

5 Your upvotes would be astronomical again, and you could probably go ahead and order your assistant to get you that yacht.

6 I would personally respect you.

7 This makeup tutorial would, in effect, erase all the nonsensical, repetitive and thoughtless writing you have done so far on the platform, and would restore your integrity.

BONUS REASON: What's good for one's integrity, is good for Steemit, our new home. Did you know that the word, "Steem" is derived from "esteem"?

What are you waiting for?

I think you have a future fan......

To learn how to do a proper male makeup tutorial, please visit @roelandp's First Make Makeup Tutorial:



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