Bromo is wonderful place that you have to visit.

Okay here we go dude,,

This is the first time i'll write my trip. it's not MY TRIP MY ADVENTURE(Tv Program at Indonesia), Obviously it is my true TRIP (:D :D)

September 10th, 2018

On the middle night i have to wake up and take a bath soon and get ready to go to Bromo via Tumpang (small town in south of Malang ). me and my friend go along to bromo, okay at 00.00 am, i take my beg, my jacket, my flannel, my double T-shirt and all of what i need during the trip. 00.45 am the driver take me from Singosari and hurry up to take other passenger in other place, (that cold night broo feel frozen). Before we go we take a pray according to each religion.
The true trip is begin, about 2 hours of our trip i can't sleep actually, i'm not feel sleepy or neither tired but my curious feel about this journey prevent me to slepp (:D). All passengers are all in the car and go ahead. At 03.45 am we've been arrived in the first spot "Pananjakan", Oh My God, that's really really the amazing place that i've ever seen. All of people gather in this place and show the great viewi think. My curious feel defeat the cold that hit me that morning, so cold i think.


Around 3 hours in Pananjakan I continued the trip to "Pasir berbisik", again and again this place amazing me with great overlay of sand, like a middle east i think but not white sand this is grey sand, u have to taste it first (XD *don't try). satisfied with playing the sand, i climb up the hundreds of stairs "feel so tired", On the top of crater i see the hole with sulfur around it and it's so smell till piercing my nose.

After that, 1.5 hours on the top of crater i decide to down on the Pasir berbisik again and continued the trip to "Bukit teletubbies" people call it. but i can't take the photos there because the grass is burning, i don't know why can it burn.


There are still many spots that u have to visit, i just visit little bit spot because i don't have a lot of time.

But that it's the great trip i think.

Okay, next time i will share the other trip. Hopefully, maybe it could be a reference of your trip.
Thank's for your attention. Glad to see you :D

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