Arm Full of Lipstick: A Morning Swatching

I just spent an enjoyable hour swatching my lipsticks and a couple of lipglosses. My arm is covered! Hahaha!

I found 3 lipsticks I don’t like, 2 are a brand that’s drying and 1 has gone goopy. I will attempt to use them once or twice in the next week and toss if I don’t like them - which is very likely. I’ve rediscovered some great loves, and found many mehs. Overall, a (slightly) productive and fun hour.

Hope you enjoy this snap of my lipstick and lipgloss collection!

IPhone SE photo of my arm and lipstick collection.

Edited to add: I usually do swatches of my makeup every 6 months or so, whenever I get the urge to destash. I never quite manage to whittle down my collection, but it makes for an enjoyable hour or two. I have rediscovered how much I love the Covergirl formula (square lipsticks), and the single Butter London lipstick feels wonderfully…buttery, but the color is meh.

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