"Fountain of Youth" - Embarking On A New Maker Adventure

"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
- Loren Eiseley

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Have you heard.......?

You have, of course, heard of water... but... Have you heard of the interstitium? Have you heard that hydrogen is beneficial to your health? Have you thought, deeply thought, about water lately?

Jesus/God has given me many and diverse interests. This is the first article in a series about a recent intersection between my interest in making things and my interest in alternative approaches to health.

If perchance I've piqued your interest, stay tuned; below the picture, I'll tell you more about these things and what I'm "up to" in the Maker world...


Water, the stuff of life.   ~   Image courtesy of mohamed Hassan

Ever since observing the American medical establishment kill my grandson, I've been sensitive to what I perceive as arrogance among doctors. I find the hubris of many in the medical profession utterly appalling. Just as disturbing is that the vast majority of humanity seem to accord a god-like status to doctors, not realizing that their doctor is a mere human with feet of clay.

One data point supporting my jaded view of medicos is the recent discovery that the interstitium, a vast bodily network bridging between our skin and our internal organs, is vastly different in form and function than previously imagined. This accidental discovery is of such fundamental importance that scientists are speaking of the interstitium as a newly discovered organ. How strange! Doctors who knew everything before this discovery, now somehow know more?

But enough sour grapes. I've know for several years that breathing a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is reported to be very beneficial to one's health. There is a large and growing body of evidence that hydrogen, when administered to our bodies, has tremendous health benefits. Putting two and two together, I strongly suspect that breathing a hydrogen rich gaseous mixture supports and enhances the functions of the interstitium.

On to the immediate purpose of this article:

Mr. George Wiseman has researched and experimented with Brown's Gas for decades, and has developed a variety of machinery to generate it. What's that you ask? Brown's Gas is a gaseous form of water created by applying electricity to split the familiar H2O (di-hydrogen oxide, i.e. two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen) into its component gases, hydrogen and oxygen. In recent years, he has developed machines and procedures for safely generating HHO (another way to represent the gaseous components of water) in a form and quantity that can be breathed for health.

Here's a video of George's latest machine for that purpose. If you find the concept of Brown's Gas for health of interest and value, I'd encourage you to purchase one from George.

I've been looking at this machine and its predecessors for a couple of years now, desperately wanting one, but feeling quite unable to afford to purchase one. I don't quite know why, but it has taken until recently for me to come to the conclusion that I, as an inveterate inventor and maker, ought to be able to build a reasonable facsimile of such a machine myself at a much lower out-of-pocket cost.

And so begins my latest adventure as a maker. Stay tuned to this blog for reports as to how I plan and have begun to go about building my own "Fountain of Youth Machine", as well as some more background about the hoped for health benefits of breathing HHO.


I am not a doctor, nor am I a medical professional of any kind. This series of articles describes my very individual, personal quest to investigate credible reports of the benefits of breathing hydrogen and oxygen gas, drinking hydrogen enriched water, and applying hydrogen and oxygen gas to weakened or diseased body parts. The devices I am building, the tools and materials I am using, and the gases I expect them to produce, are potentially dangerous and even life-threatening if used carelessly. Should you choose to use any of this information, do so only with the most serious care taken for safety. Any use made of this information is entirely at your own risk. I am not in any way responsible.


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