

good night hive friends, hopefully all hive friends are good,

on December 5th

on this occasion I will share a post about me while I was participating in campus activities on the Malikussaleh University campus, I attended campus organization seminars with the theme of basic leadership training for Indonesian fisheries students, in these activities I was taught how to dream or carry out the provisions of leading, how to take part in a trial in a trial or discussion forum

there I also met many friends from other universities in Indonesia
from Sabang to Merauke in one place and one very simple event.

maybe in 2022 we can make an even bigger event at the level of an Asian university, the important thing is that there is an effort, the matter of the road can be simplified

maybe this is all I can say more and less I apologize if I made a mistake in typing and delivery

I hope hive friends like my post
don't forget to leave criticism and suggestions because with it I can learn to be better

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