Butterflies, Beautiful Models for Macro Photography


Of course you know butterfly is not it?
This beautiful and beautiful animal is very good if used as a macro object. Color, type and size is very diverse, but it is not easy to take butterflies to make macro objects, the movement is very agile and tend to be afraid to be approached. To be able to grab a butterfly macro photo, at least you should use a lens with a focal length of at least 90mm, a longer length better, plus a high level of patient science.


These animals usually appear a little later than other insects, approximately at around 9 to 10 am. The population is different in each area. It will usually repeat on the same position, so if you are going to shoot this insect in one position and then fly, wait a few moments, usually it will come back to its previous position. Prepare your camera settings before starting to shoot. It's good you use burstable shot mode to get some photo options and look for the best focus.


Remember, do not hurt a butterfly.
Just so you know, these insects generally live for only 5 days, so cherish their short life. Enjoy

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