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How I shoot my Focus Stacked macros - Summary Tutorial Video


  • Images taken with the Olympus E-M1II and 60mm macro lens
  • Stacked with Zerene Stacker
  • Edited with Capture One and Photoshop

Think I need to practice my photoshop skills before I make another video, but here goes with this one.

Please take a look at my video that describes, in summary the process I use to create my focus staked macros.

Basically I import the shots from the camera sd card into Capture One (Lightroom alternative), select the images to process and export them to Zerene Stacker. Stack using both stacking methods and blend the two. Use Photoshop to tidy up any fine fluff/dust/imperfections that may exist. Import again to Capture One to do A final edit and your done.

If anyone would like to know any of the processes in more detail, let me know, and I'll make some more videos.

I use Zerene Stacker to stack the separate images. Its quite expensive, but they do offer a free month trial.

Also, Photoshop can be used instead of Zerene for smaller stacks.

Thanks for taking a look at my photography