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How To Staking Luna Coin in Terra Station | LUNA Wallet Tutorial

How To Staking Luna Coin in Terra Station by Crypto Wallets Info.jpg

How To Staking Luna Coin in Terra Station. Click on the Staking tab in the global menu on the left hand side of the Terra Station wallet. In the Staking tab, click on the Validators section and then click on Staked from within the list of validators. Click on the blue Delegate button in the upper right hand corner of the screen to open the delegate lightbox modal. Terra Luna is a popular crypto and LUNA tokens can be staked to earn passive income! Staking your Luna is done through the Terra Station Wallet. Once you have Luna to stake you can delegate your crypto directly through the Terra Station interface! Terra Luna stakers receive a over 11% apy and also receive airdrops for future projects launching in the Terra Ecosystem!.. its very easy and every one can understand. Its a short demo you must
watch this video till end to get complete information. So follow these steps.

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its very easy and every one can understand. Its a short demo you must
watch this video till end to get complete information. So follow these steps.