"What non-cliche advice would you give to your 22 years old self?"

Here is my list of advices, as a Master, to my 22 years old self,not in order of importance. It's going to be detailed and a bit theoretical, in the end I'll be more practical and laconic.

  • Dance with whatever comes into your life. People do not listen. Most of those who read the advice written here will node in agreement, say to themselves "how true, I will start tomorrow morning", and forget about it. And that's fine, because in life you have to experiment. So, the first piece of advice is not to be afraid to experiment. The mind will stop you and say "don't do it". Do not listen to your mind. Go for the experience if it feels right.
  • Do not be afraid to spend money and a lot of it, on something that is close to your heart. I once spent thousands of dollars, which I did not have (I took out a loan), to go on a date with someone I really liked. A tremendous life-changing experience that affects me to this day. On another occasion, I spent $ 9,000 on two trips within a month (Hawaii, Denmark).
  • Focus your awareness in the present moment, practice it a lot, because it's the quickest and easiest way to enlighten yourself. The tendency of most people is to imagine the future, to worry about it, to torment the past. Don't! It is a waste of time, detrimental to health, and most importantly interrupts the connection with the inner self.
  • Speaking of the 'inner self' - remember that life is an inner journey to get to know yourself. And no, at 22 you are not yet starting to know who you are. Therefore, every experience, every encounter, every event, is meant to bring you closer to your inner self. Including the reading of these words. Remember this point especially in the difficult moments to come.
  • Do not listen to the advice of anyone including parents, teachers, and gurus, if they are contrary to your inner feeling. There is only one person who knows what is right for you and that is you. Yes, you will make mistakes, regret, get hurt and suffer. But the insights you gain along the way will enlighten you. It is impossible without them.
  • Enlightenment is the most important thing in your life. Not money, not career, not family, and not love either. It may sound strange, vague, idiotic and perhaps destructive to you, but when you get there you will understand.
  • By the way, love - always follow its way. I used to be at a crossroads. I was offered a job alongside one of the managers of the largest investment houses in the country. He was impressed with me and wanted to teach me all the secrets, on the way to becoming extremely rich. I chose love, to go another way, which brought with it great difficulties for the following ten years. And I've not regretted that for a single moment.
  • Follow your passion - in everything. If something feels right to you, is burning inside, do it. Remember the thousands of dollars date? What I omitted from the story is that it was a blind date! Yes, I had not seen the girl before, but I felt deep inside, immensely, a great love for her. I flew for two days to be with her for 11 days.
  • Sex is overrated. Do not wait to fall in love to have sex. If this bothers you find someone you like and do it. In that way you will put the sex thing behind you.
  • Sex with someone you love is one of the best experiences there is, second only to the experience of kissing someone you love. Do not engage in a relationship without love. Even if it means you will be alone for a while.
  • Everything is going well. Always. Everything, death, a loss, separations, car accidents. Everything is for the better. Indeed, this advice is a cliché, but my past hundreds of life experiences attest to it.
  • Avoid judging others.One day this advice will help you stop judging yourself.
  • Guilt and shame stop you from moving forward - release them. I have stayed in a bad and toxic relationship for two years only because I was ashamed of "what people would say?" And by the feeling of pain that would be inflicted on the girl.
  • Do not lie, do not manipulate, do not deceive - not to your romantic partner, not to your business partners, not to your family. Just do not. It will be difficult! In the short-term telling the truth will make you lose opportunities and rewards, in the medium term telling the truth will keep people away from you (which is fine, let them go), in the long run living honestly and decently will make you a Master.
  • Do not be so damn serious. Mostly, do not take yourself so seriously. Use some juicy curses occasionally. It will do you good.


Image: Free-photos on pixabay

And finally, some short and practical tips:
  1. Learn English. The other languages are not so practical, there is Google Translate.
  2. Live abroad for at least a year. Study, work, do something that will require you to mingle regularly with people from other backgrounds.
  3. Studying at an institution of higher education is for networking and not gaining knowledge. Invest more in making friends and less in going through books. If you do not have plans to become a professor in the academy it'd be enough to just pass the tests rather than with distinction. Good workplaces look at experience and less at the grades.
  4. Start a business. No matter what, anything. And do everything yourself in the business: build the product, do customer service, do the account management. It will empower you, you will learn to trust only yourself, and you will acquire skills. I started my first business at the age of 24, in my second year studying law at the University. To this day I use the skills I acquired in those years.
  5. Be nice to other people. Do not be selfish. Be polite, speak respectfully. And not because that is how you were brought up or that is how it is written in the bible. So why? You will find the reason for yourself. It's part of your journey.

I could go on and on but being truthful to my own advice, love is calling to me right now, and when love calls, I follow.


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