Don't be afraid of the dark, friends; it's your loyal companion who asks for your love. Here's the explanation.

Since our childhood we are being taught to fear the darkness.

Our parents order us to come back home before it gets dark outside; we are afraid to go to sleep without the lights being on; we are encouraged to avoid the company of “bad evil people” - “they are not good for you”; life is being divided to good Vs. bad, where the latter is abominable and must be averted when possible.

If, in spite of all the safety measures, something seriously bad happens to us, like if we are violently attacked, there are four major ways which experts recommend us to exercise in order to face the disaster –

  • We either can eradicate any recollection of the event that still hovers in our mind;
  • or, we can replace the bad memories with happy and positive thoughts;
  • or, we can combat the bad event, telling it (and ourselves) that we are stronger than it;
  • or, finally, we can look for the wrongs that we did which brought the bad incident and redeem our souls.



But surprisingly enough all those above measures never seem to solve the problem. The repressed memories keep haunting us until one day, years later, they erupt in the form of another grave event. The positive thoughts are weak, fake and don’t really help us to feel better. The combating mode forces us to always stay alert to welcome another brutal attack that “surely would come if we turned our heads away”. And the redemption only enforces within us the guilt and shame which in turn only thickens the walls around our life.

Since consciousness has a reality of itself, every repressed thought and memory are manifested somewhere; if not in this physical reality then in the more subtle dimensions like the ones which surround our physical one. Consequently, those of us who have strong connections with the other realms, mostly in the dream state, can testify for meeting there dark creatures who most always wish to harm them or consume them or even kill them. Such creatures can appear in the form of a huge barking dog who tries to bite them, a dark smoky cloud who chaises them, or even a historical figure who was famous for their notorious acts.

The more we repress our dark aspects the worse the nightmares become until at some point the personality cannot handle the nightmares and the ego causes the mind to forget the dream events. Then, no dream recollections can occur. At least not until the person deals with the reasons that caused the blockage.

The devilish aspect

The truth however is simpler, less dramatic and much more encouraging. If you remember that your journey on earth is multidimensional, that YOU are more than the human personality that looks at you from the mirror, that your grander self is comprised of numerous aspects all of which are actually You, and that your mission in this life (if you so choose) is to integrate all of those aspects, then you will have a clearer understanding of the darkness.

The darkness is part of you. It is an aspect; a “former” life time when you acted out a scenario in which you were the bad guy. It can be a cluster of too long repressed thought forms that now seeks a resolution.

The resolution

Reading the above, some of you may react now using denial to peace themselves. “No, I am not bad, I am not evil. The darkness is not me. I am light. I am pure. I am a fallen angel”. Ok. Keep thinking like that but know that somewhere, something is laughing devilish rolling laughter on your expense.

Friends, you are everything! and as such you have to accept responsibility for the less desirable parts of you.

A resolution does not mean integration, assimilation or hopeless surrender. When you recognize that you are also darkness it does not mean you have to become one. Remember – you can choose what you are; which aspects you want to manifest. If you were involved in violent action, whether as the victim or the abuser, it does not mean you are an evil person or that you are doomed to criminality for the rest of your life. Surely it doesn’t mean that you have done something wrong and now need to be punished in order to be saved.

Resolution means conscious acceptance. The acknowledgment that darkness exists, that darkness is part of everything, part of the magnificent tapestry called life. Acknowledgment means knowing, being aware of without judging. When you know that darkness is part of you then you also know that it is part of your fellow human being. Then you realize that any judging of any external occurrence or organ is actually a harsh judgment of yourself!

Your journey towards Realization, towards the integration of all your aspects, is a journey of Love. Your aspects want to be loved. Therefore, as you learn to love the weak victim that resides within you, as you learn to love the jealous bitter teenager within you, learn to love the more dark aspects – the aggressive warrior, the cruel fanatic, the vicious inquisitor. Look at those aspects in the eyes and greet them. Welcome them back as parts of your grander self and let them know that they are not being judged. Thank them for fulfilling their roles so beautifully and for serving all of you so efficiently. Now, let them know they can rest. They can lovingly sleep in the arms of You.

When you do that a miracle happens. Your dark aspects harness their immense natural forces and grant them to you. The apocalyptical horses, now tamed, are now working for you, in service of your grander self.

You find a loyal friend in the black parts of your soul.


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