Befriend with your inner bogeyman - nightmares explained

Excerpt: Many of you have nightmares which startle you, for a good reason. The ego is afraid and it's very difficult to control it during the dream state. In this post, I am explaining the correlation between the psychological structure of your whole self, that are your aspects, and the inner encounters in your dreams. Those who so frighten you are mere aspects, past/future lifetimes of yours, who want to reconnect with you. The sooner you recognize that, the easier it is to release the nightmares and the drama from your life. Towards the end of the post, I am dedicating a few words to extra-ordinary journies to other dimensions. You may want to remember the bottom line - you are safe in the vast arrays of the outer and inner universes. Do not doubt it.


Image: Ekaterina Gerasimova

It can be said with much certainty that every person had, has or will have at least one nightmare during their lifetime. One in which they encounter an animal/beast or another person/artificial entity whom, by their presence or activities, pose a threat towards the dreamer. Actually, it is more accurate to say that the dreamer's ego interprets the entity's behavior as a threat and hence entice emotions of fear or horror. This is what happens in a typical nightmare of the average person* [see also my comment at the end].

In most cases, a nightmare lasts for a short period of time. The personality (Ego) perceives the dream-encounter as an enormous threat towards its integrity/identity and consequently, out of fear for its survival, it awakens the dreamer and pulls them out from the "dangerous" environment. Such escape deprives one of directly dealing with their unaware-of psychic components.

As much as it may seem irrational, nightmares should be welcomed, for the demons that we meet in the dream state are not "real" demons. They are not the dark forces, the evil spirits, who desire to eat us/kill us/enslave us. The latter fault conceptions are merely the results of indoctrination that has been cast upon us since childhood by various social agents (parents, school, media, etc).

There is nothing out there

In order to understand the true nature of the demonic and monstrous entities that we usually meet during our dream journeys you must recall a very basic principle of the reality, any reality – there is nothing out there but yourself. Everything is, in some way, a reflection of your own identity.

Therefore, the demons are psychic aspects of your own soul-self. On your spiritual journey, you have chosen to integrate the various parts of your whole self – dark and light alike – and the dream arena is an appropriate venue to encounter what otherwise would not be accessible to you in your normal and regular daily routine. Those aspects only want one thing – to be accepted. In another word, they want your love.

How to work with your demons?

Only a personality that feels safe in its 3D reality will allow itself to remain in the midst of the nightmare and transform it. That means that people who choose to detach themselves from the living experience (for example by the use of drugs, medicine or even intense meditation) ultimately would lose their feeling of security and would not be able to successfully handle those demonic encounters.

What happens there?

A dark aspect does not have to disguise itself as Darth Vader or a mysterious black smoke (for those of you who are familiar with "Star-wars" and "Lost") to evoke fright and horror within you while dreaming. In fact, most of my encounters with the dark aspects of my soul were meetings with fragments that looked like regular human beings.

In time the ego feels strong and secured enough not to run away but to remain in the dream event. A wise thing to do then will be to show the dark aspect "who the boss is". If you have a mantra that you use to state your "I AM-ness" then don't be shy to shout it out loud. The fear will lessen. Then you may want to address the dark aspect directly. Ask it - "what do you want from me?" and in most cases, it will answer "love" or will do something to appease you.


Image: thecrapbox

In one of my encounters, I came across a beast-dog who felt to be hostile. I didn't lose my senses and asked to befriend with that entity. The moment later that frightening dog was licking my face.

I won't lie to you. It's not so much fun to consciously meet a frightening entity in a dream state. The good news is that you will not be aware of such encounters before your personality is ready for that. The even better news is that once you successfully (and you will!) handle and master your dark aspects there are very few happenings, if any at all, in the 3D reality that can throw you out of balance and away from your peace of heart. It's not that you become indifferent or detached from life. It's the inner feelings of security, trust and well being that you now possess which surpass any potential shaky event in your earthly life.

Outer demons

In conclusion, here is a thought for you – since the physical reality is founded and anchored and springs from a vaster reality of energy, could it be that the people in your 3D life – your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, lovers, and strangers – are also reflections of your aspects? And if so, what does it say about the people whose company you find irritating/fearful/bothering? Could it be that the dark entities from your dream state who merely wish to be accepted and loved by you, also manifest in your 3D reality through certain people in your life?

And what does all that mean about the choices you make regarding those people?


Image: Wikipedia

The average person Vs. Carlos Castaneda's reportages

Carlos castaneda was a great traveler and he made a good service to us by reporting about his adventures. The problem, which in my opinion eventually led to his death, was the fact he used drugs to alter his consciousness. As I wrote, drugs or any forced artificial method, do not allow the Ego independently develop, in a natural way, a solid identity, one that ultimately would allow the person to travel deeper and in a stable manner.

Castaneda did meet with other aspects of himself but also experienced encounters with foreign consciousnesses that resided in the dimensions he visited. Such un-natural trips may be dangerous. But do not fear. As I wrote, if you allow the natural process of your spiritual and psychic development your journies are safe. you are safe!

Therefore, when I wrote above "the average person" I referred to someone who doesn't force its psyche to be altered. Similarly, I didn't refer to exceptional individuals who have mastered the art of inner traveling. The latter are able to freely stroll in other dimensions and meet other creatures and entities otherwise than themselves. Needless to say that in their case the journies are safe and well balanced.


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