Amazing Cloud Colors at Sunset at the Open Air Festival in Vienna....June 24, 2023


Love The Clouds #176

The weather last weekend was uncomfortable because it was cooler and windy. The day before, it rained almost the whole day. I could not decide whether I would attend the festivals over the weekend since dark clouds were there.

I waited for a while and late afternoon, I started to dress up and decided to try and go. I was risking not to bring any umbrella because it was prohibited for security reasons. They were inspecting the bags at the gate of the festival. The dark clouds were plenty but later on dispersed as the time passed-by.

I stayed for a couple of hours at the festival and decided to slowly walk to the bridge so I could get a nice photo of the sun setting. Stayed there a while and saw that a portion of the blue sky was quite free. The clouds have beautiful blue, black, green and yellow hues and as the sun was setting, it gave the most amazing colors that were reflected in the sky.

This is my entry to @tobetada´s Love The Clouds #176 contest....
I hope you like the fusion of the colors!

6. GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo
All images are by @mers

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