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LOVE IT ... shove it ... but actually BOTH

I came across @freedompoint's post earlier today & wanted to play along. There are at least two dozen things going on in the background of my life right now, and this is an opportunity for me to focus on NONE OF THEM but still put something out there.

I kinda miss y'all <3

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  1. TORI AMOS - she's the best of everything. Her music is amazing, her voice is what my soul echoes, her lyrics are powerful, her attitude is honest, and she has been a saving grace to me in my moments of need. It's silly to some people to 'idolize' a musician like this ... but she's more than that. She's a mentor to those of us who pay attention, and she's a kind & gentle soul who wants us all (ALL) to recognize our divine femininity.
  2. TOMATO - give me tomato plants and I will love you forever. Cherries, Romas, Beefsteaks, Early Girls, whatever. I love the smell of the leaves, I love the way they stain my hands, I love their variety and colour. There is nothing better than biting into a tomato, in the height of summer, perfectly ripe and warmed by the sun. I also love how versatile they are in the kitchen & how easy they are to preserve!
  3. HELIOTROPE - possibly my favorite flower of all time. The colour is amazing, and the smell ... oh, just intoxicating and sensory-overloading. I had a plant once, and it bloomed for months and months. I would sit with it on the front porch and breathe so deeply. i need to get me another one!
  4. LIBERAL ARTS - yeah, I had to go wide here. Psychology, sociology, philosophy - all of that I will just EAT UP and talk about for hours if anyone expresses a minute of interest with me. Thoreau, James, Jung, Freud ... start throwing in some weird stuff like the ideas of Timothy Leary & psychotropic research and I am double hooked.
  5. SALVADOR DALI - oh, my artistic idol. Don't get me wrong, I love the impact of Rothko, the abstractness of Pollock, but Dali ... man oh man. He's also someone who has an extremely interesting background, which crafted him into the person he ended up being. He also lived his life dedicated to surrealism - he walked an anteater through the streets of Paris! "I am not strange, I am just not normal."

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  1. ORANGE CLOTHES - There are three people in the world that look good in orange clothes, and none of them are here reading this. Orange belongs in nature, not on clothing.
  2. CLOWNS - NOPE. no no no no. I don't like the painted faces, because they're a bunch of liars! No one's that happy or that sad. They're creepy and I don't like them one stinkin' bit.
  3. UNNECESSARY SOUNDS - These get my misophonia all sorts of aggravated. Pen clicking, teeth scraping on metal forks, smacking, fingernails tapping on a desktop. That sound of "MPAH-AAH" after someone takes a drink. Sometimes even just listening to someone breathe gets me on edge and ready to run out of the room.
  4. GINGER - Weird, right? It's just too much for me. Ginger ale, ginger kombucha ... it's all painful in my face! I can handle it in very small does in soups or smoothies, or in a tea where it's a tertiary ingredient.
  5. OPRAH - Sorry, I just don't get what the big deal about her is. I applaud her for fighting her way to the top, good on her and all that but ... meh. I'm jaded about her poor decisions, probably - giving away cars that "winners" will have to pay taxes on. Mouthing off about mad-cow disease back in the 90's & early 2000's and hurting the cattle industry (that was big in the area I grew up in).

This challenge came from @snowpea and you can learn more about it here.

I'm usually not up to nominating people, but I will for this one, 'cause this could get interesting ;)