My Post for the Love It/Shove It Challenge!

While making my comment rounds today, I came across a fun post about the Love It/Shove It Challenge, which was started by @snowpea.

I love the idea of it, as it will help my fellow Steemians learn more about me. I am always up for connections, and anything that will help facilitate new ones.


Love It/Shove It Challenge Rules

So the challenge is really simple. Here's all you have to do:

  • List five things that you love
  • List five things that you really dislike
  • Use the tag loveitshoveit
  • Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in

Alright, here are my answers for the challenge!

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1. MY BOYS! I couldn't start any list without thinking of them first.
2. PUMPKIN SPICE! Seriously, I get so excited around September every year, since it's when all the pumpkin spice flavored foods are available. I also LOVE the smell of pumpkin spice candles in the fall.


3. LEGGINGS! It took me a while to get on that bandwagon, but I love how comfortable they are now. I wear them out all the time.
4. TRAVELING! I love getting to see more of the world. I just wish I had the time (and money) to see more of what the world has to offer!
5. THE SMELL OF FRESHLY CUT GRASS! It's one of the first smells of warmer weather. As I am getting tired of the cold winter temperatures, it's a very welcomed scent.


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1. PEANUT BUTTER! It's totally a texture thing. I cannot stand it sticking to the roof of my mouth. I like peanut butter M&Ms though. :)
2. BAD DRIVERS! You know the kind...Those that cut you off, don't know how to use their turn signal, turn out into your lane just to drive 0.2 miles.


3. SHARED FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS! People need to trust their S/O enough to have their own accounts. And if I don't know which person I am talking to, I just won't add you as a friend.
4. COFFEE! I can't handle the strong taste. The aroma isn't that good either.
5. HUSBAND'S (@randomlyjames) TASTE IN MUSIC! I took him to a Tool tribute concert for his birthday this weekend, and the people in the crowd were just insane! Jumping around and leaning on strangers. Not my kind of party!


Come on, @solomonsel @hopehuggs @musicman99 @redheadpei @randomlyjames!

Let's see your answers!


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