I used to love that things

Time can change so many things. Time can change people and they are not the same.
I used to love many things.
I loved to take pictures. If i am outside and see something beautiful I took pictures - sunsets, trees, animals, flowers.. If you can see the beauty in the object, you can take a beautiful picture. Even if the weather is bad. The black clouds are also nice.
I loved to draw "celtic knots". It's so calming. You think only about your drawing, not about your problems. It's so relaxing and your brain is free.
I loved to write. I loved to write poetry. You feel satisfied with yourself. You feel good when you say what you want.
Sometimes i need to do that things again. But i just don't have desire. But sometimes that's all you have to do to be alive again - just do the thing you used to love in the past. Do the things which made you alive.

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