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"I've done so much deep healing work and I'm still not 'there' yet!" Does anyone here relate to feeling like this?

What if 'there' doesn't exist?

What if the healing, new found awareness and a deeper sense of self is never ending?

What if we let go of the belief that we are broken. What if we stand tall and claim our truth that says 'we are in process and the process is enough'

What if we give ourselves permission to simply be enough even when we still have more work to do?

  • Let's shift the way we look at our healing and stop judging the layers.
  • Let's stop expecting to 'arrive' in a magical man made destination.
  • Let's let go, lean back and believe we are exactly where we are supposed to be in this moment.

When we lean into a space of radical acceptance the healing will have space to breathe, to flow and to even LOVE US.

When we accept that there is always going to be another layer we can let go of the old limiting belief that we're not healed enough, good enough, conscious enough.

With acceptance we can claim our truth and know we are exactly where we are supposed to be, we are enough, we are whole, we are in process.

It is in this space of radical acceptance we find our peace and freedom.