Girl Draws Up 17-Page Relationship Contract For The Boy She’s Been With For…2 Weeks


Modern love in times of technology undoubtedly had to change, Annie Wright and her partner are living in 2050, Here’s why.

Annie Wright, 21, and her boyfriend, Michael Head, 23, met in October 2020 through a Tinder match. Since that crush on the dating app, they began to see each other more and more.

So they decided to stipulate the terms of their link in a lengthy 17-page contract. The young couple will celebrate their first anniversary in just over a month, and their story went viral.

After an interview was given to him on the Kennedy News and Media portal, his particular initiative traveled the world. They both live in the United States and were single when they decided to try their luck with a virtual love.

Among the rules was “You will pay for food at all appointments.“ “A romantic gesture once every two weeks”, and “exercise at least five times a week alone.”

For her, it was a way to make it work, and she was the victim of a toxic relationship in the past, so setting limits seemed appropriate. Michael Head agreed, the truth is that he had no choice but to sign.

The document also establishes a key rule, “if after a fight there is no communication after 48 hours, it will be assumed that the relationship has ended.”

“People enter into relationships and live to hope that years later something will change if they do not have the same goals and eventually realize that their partner does not have the same life plan, it is a waste of time,” said the young woman.

That makes the story of their relationship interesting because he asked her to be a couple and she accepted, but not without first telling him what it takes to establish rules. At first, he spoke about the contract as a joke, but then he saw that it was something viable and wrote it down.

They are even obligated by contract to review their relationship every year, not to celebrate it but to verify its progress.

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