What is love? (Original Poem by @thelord)

Love is an addiction
Love makes us fat
Love makes us skinny
Love makes us sick
Love makes us insane
Love does not judge
Love does not care
Love forgives
Love forgets
Love is honor
Love is pain
Love is joy
Love is always there
Love makes us love
Love makes us hate
Love makes us cry
Love makes us laugh
Love makes us decide
Love make us heal
Love makes us kill
Love crushes harder than any bolder
Love caresses softer than any feather
Love makes the world go round™
Love gives us pause
Love makes us thirsty
Love makes us hungry
Love will be on our side
Love will betray us
Love will leave
Love will come back
Love will be lost
Love will be found
Love is an antidote
Love is ironic
Love is needed
Love is unwanted
Love is what we want it to be.

Gotta love it. <3



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