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#____ Last ____ episode
Written by Avantika Anha
I'm thinking, "Mr. Nahid has gone crazy or why he does not love me or why he will not do it.
Fupi: Anah is a marriage, let the relatives come and take them along.
I: Okay
False: Come down the sari.
Me: Where can I get sari?
Fupi: I have one of those things that fall in Nis. Shammi also got a chance.
I: Okay
I read Shammi sari and I did. I read the blue sari and read Shammi Nilai. I gave blue bracelet, with coconut and left hair with it, light lipstick on the lips (the author's sentence was very good, so I imagined myself like this)
Shammy: Wow Madam, he's looking like this. All the boys will leave you today and see you.
I: Share that
Before you see how much Jiju eats upa.
Shammy: Well let's go.
I: Let's go
Come down down. Nahid was watching me.
(It looks so beautiful that my alokeshisi)
Fowl: Wow two people look beautiful.
Married home ......
I was talking about Shammi. At that time a boy came.
Boy: Hi I Raj
I: And Nice Name
Raj: your name?
I: Know?
Raj: Do not say
Me: Petni
Raja: Oh beautiful name
I: Hihai I know. My name is anhah I was just kidding. ৤
Raj: Oh, you can look very beautiful.
I: Thinku.
Nahid saw a boy laughing at Anhara and laughed, so Nahid went there with Zahid.
Nahid: What's going on?
Raj: Who are you?
Nahid: Friend
I: Shammi Let's Come.
I came to Shammi again.
Raj: Well I also go
Nahid: Do not stand up. Listen and my gosses are a little angry, so do not talk. Do not look back at you (guess what)
Raj: And well, well
Nahid: Hmm
Nahid thinks, "No, he can not be given to anyone else.
When I was walking alone, Abir came up from where. Hihi means come.
Abir: What are you doing here?
I: Married couples come to me.
Abir: And my friend is my friend
I: That's what the couple won
Abir: Who will be the man to see.
I: That which you share is Bandar
Abir: Do not insult, do not feel hurt.
I: Why did you come to the forehead?
Abir: You're in love with Sinoriya
I: Filmy insect.
Abir: By the road, are you suddenly seen here?
I: Why not come?
Abir: Is not it something?
I: Do not do anything
Abir: What is the lie?
I: Actually ....... (I said all)
Abir: It may be wrong, I think the boy loves you.
I: No, I do not live
Abir: Whatever your thinking is liked, do it
I: How many numbers is it?
Abir: Looks like 53 numbers
I: halah number 67
Abir: Whatever is the first time I feel like I love you. Do not agree that you agree.
I: Share Liquita
Nahid came ...
Nahid: Ana was talking to you something.
I: I do not have
Nahid: please it's Impertent
I: Abir, whatever
Abir: Ok baw (fun)
I: (Hala smashed fun) Division Hala Lucchi
Nahid: I have been saying this again for a long time, please understand
I: I know how much trouble I got on that day?
Nahid: Excuse me, my anger is a little over me.
I: Hmm
Nahid: I love you
I: Where is the heaven?
In her two days, love is over
Nahid: That was wrong. The one I am looking for is neither you nor Both Jahid and Shammi know that
I: What is the proof (I am angry)
Nahid: Want to see?
I: Hmm
Nahid: Wait a watch
I: Huh
I was shouting at the end. Oh, what is the real Ray doing? I am very angry.
Nahid was going through the streets in a raging way. So who will show Anha with japa?
I also run behind Nahid.
And what I did not realize was that I opened my eyes and saw the hospital.
(At one point of time, I fell in front of a car whose car was broken, but I was struck by a slight head injury, Nahid took me to the hospital, but he felt guilty.
After that day Nahid did not come in front of me.
Every time I call her and leave.
Often hiding from me
About 3 months later ....
Nahid caught today.
I: Why do you do that with me?
Nahid: What do you do?
I: keep hiding again and again.
Nahid: No
I love you
Nahid: Sorry I have a goof
I: Oh, okay
Nahid: Yes bye
I know we are lying. Lying and head down I'm just leaving or
I went to their house. Aunt is a lot better. I already know.
I: Aunty I love Nahid. He himself loves me, but in the meantime it is this (I said all)
Tell me what to do?
Aunty: A crazy girl I already knew Zahid said.
I: Really
Aunty: Hmm
I: give idea
Aunty: ........ Do it (listen to what the Idea)
Nahid came ...
I: Nahid has been a lot now and not your anger
Nahid: Whatever I do is my work
I: Wet
I gave chlorophyum. There was an idea to kidnap.
Nahid's knowledge returned. Aunty swore by marrying Tasam we got our marriage.
At home
Nahid was sent to the room by the pair.
Nahid is thinking that nothing has happened and I can not see. Sing songs I am so
Now the most awkwardly lying down.
No no
I: That way
Nahid: Who are you?
I: Mom is gonna do.
Nahid: What is the wife and wife?
I: Why are you so busy?
Nahid: The legendary.