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Love stroy

Our story happened forty years ago.It is a about
a little beautiful four or five years old girl.She
lived with her parents older sister and younger
brother.Her family had a big house with a
garden.Her father was a farmer and the mother
was a housewife and sometimes helped the
father in the farm.The family used to live a
normal village life but richer than the other
families around them.Everything was okay about
this family except for one thing,because they
were rich they had a TV and a video player while
there was no TV in the other houses.The father
used to watch sexy movies and he always bought
video cassettes containing bad women.He also
used to like seeing his wife acting like bad
woman so he used to buy his wife night red
gowns and high heel shoes and made her wear
them and go around the house and the garden
while he was watching.When he went to work he
did not hide the video cassettes.And this was the
most irresponsible act he had done because
when the little girl came to watch something on
TV and switched it on her father's bad movies
played on so the little girl got used to see these
unsuitable movies all the time while her father
and mother were not near her. She also used to
see her mother wearing the nightgowns and
going around in front of her father.With the time
passing it became to normal to the little girl to
see these movies.She continued watching while
growing up which affected her psychology and
personality in a bad way.Because of that and
while she was just 13 years old,she started
dating boys' in her village and even seduce
those who do not want to go out with
her.Everyday she used to go to bring water to the
house because there was no water in the houses
at that time.There was only one fountain from
where all the villagers came to take water
from.And while bringing water,she wore clothes
that showed some of her body to attract the boys
attention.While dating different types of boys,she
one day became pregnant at the age of 16.
At that time if a girl pregnant before marriage
people would talk badly about her and she was
considered a bad reputation for the family.The
girl claimed that she was pregnant from their
neighbour's boy who was 15 old.And since the
boy was in love with her,his family was forced to
make a wedding,although his mother did not
believe or want her.So,after three months from
their wedding they divorced by pressure from the
After the divorce people started to talk more then
before about her,the pregnancy and the bad
reputation.5 or 6 months later, she gave birth to a
healty beautiful boy.Her parents loved the baby
very much.Yet, they could not bear people's
gossip.So, the grandmother began to look for a
family to take care of the little boy.After months
of searching for a family and when the boy was 8
months, a woman from the village came to tell
the family that she had found a family who had
no child and would want to take care of the boy.
Unwillingly, the family gave the boy sadly
because they did not have another way.Of
course, neither the family knew who took the
baby nor the taking family knew the giving
one.Still people never stopped talking,so the
family had to leave the village.The family left to
the city and settled there.Some years later,the
daughter was engaged to a man from the city
and married later on.During the wedding
ceremony the singer sang a song about mother
and son and the bride cried from all her heart.No
one, except the father and mother who shared
tears with her knew why she.
Years passed and she had two children,a boy
and a girl but she never forgot nor talked about
her lost baby boy.(Real story-Your comments are
very important) Fatma lşıkara
