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I would have loved to start off this piece with a “brief history of Love" but it is inconsequential, right now, because steemians are busy people. This piece, however, has one mission and that is to question the adjective, “unconditional” vis-à-vis Love. Now, even if I believe that Love cannot exist without a reason, the fact that Love has no beginning and has no end is the stand point of many.
I will be very brief.
Love is beautiful. The fact that it is shown or practiced by every man consciously or unconsciously makes it a universal concept. This universal nature makes it guilty of “not having” a univocal definition. But going by convention, Love is care
Love is Kindness
Love is sacrifice
Love is interest.
If you agree, then, we are in order. No one in the world Loves without a reason or better still a cause. If that happens, then a better name should be suggested not Love. Something must prompt and sustain Love. Love is overtly or covertly predicated on interest. No one wants to Love and be hated in return. No want Loves a family member without positive expectations. We naturally Love our children because if they succeed, happiness ensues. These, I believe, are conditions that birth Love.
No doubt, we all have perceptions, stand points and convictions in questioning and determining how attainable the idea of “Unconditional Love” is. Therefore, I need to be categorical. Love is predicated on conditions. God’s Love for mankind is conditional. He wants us to Love Him by loving our neighbors and worship him in Truth, without that we’ll be denied eternal Life. What do you call that? It is a condition we all must meet to enjoy the promise of eternal Life.
What about couples who profess Love to one another? Both have made choices that made them end up as couples. These choices are preceded by intentions. Their prejudiced and hopeful idea of one another informed their decisions. That’s the condition that sustains marriage.

[source](my phone gallery)
For Steemians who may have contrary opinions, I want to learn. But before then, ponder on this! Name one thing or someone you LOVE that is not in your own interest. You are in school because you want to have a good future. Going to church? It is for your own good. Why are you in steemit? Being kind to people is for your own good either in the long run or otherwise. You love Reading? Loving your neighbor as God commands for eternal life? Your family? It all boils down to self-interest. Love is interest. Therefore, we must Love as we want to be Loved, give as we want to be given, teach as we want to be taught. Lead as we want to be led, and help others as we want to be helped. I call these, genuine conditions for Love. Unconditional Love, no doubt, is ideal and remains a universal desideratum, but it is always unattainable.