Don't just know that love is a gift, but realize that love also needs the name of halal responsibility and certainty

When someone says going out and getting married is just the same, just as happy and pleasant. Yes, that is true, because that's why it's said that picking up a mate halal or haram will always be the same, it's just a different blessing.

And if you are wise, then you certainly do not only want a pleasant love story, but also soothing. And the calm that you can get when blessing always joins you, when will that blessing always match? That is when you don't just date him, but marry him.

The point is all decisions are in your own hands, whether you want love that brings blessings or love that brings disaster is yourself who determines.

However, you have to be aware of one thing, that even though it's the same pleasure, then certainly the one who is coupled with God's goodness is more pleasant.

God's love will always be given to each servant, but the servant is responsible for keeping it wisely and right according to God's rules.

Don't just know that love is a gift, but realize that love also needs the name of halal responsibility and certainty.

And if you want love that always brings you better, it is always equal to what is called blessing, then love it in the right way according to Allah.

Love him within the halal limits, because love will always bring the owner to goodness, peace and blessing if the love can bring him closer to the creator.

Although some people say, going out and getting married is the same love. Oh no, the halal with the forbidden forever cannot be equated, because surely the halal one truly brings pleasure and serenity.

Because of the true happiness you can feel many times, if love is always in God's blessing and blessing. Yes, love will always be pleasant or very pleasant, if that love brings its owner to God's love.

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