What makes people terrible and why love fails these days

Wrote this a while back, thought it made sense here.

First off, everybody lies. It's so sad these days that pretty much the only way to get ahead is with some aspect of dishonesty. Which I guess was kind of always common practice, ie: Anne Boleyn, but I think at some point we were supposed to become better as people.

The invention of the internet/social media has almost been backwards progression. I mean, yeah, you can connect to people all over the world in an instant which was huge for communication advancement and such, but it also gave everyone their own personal marketing campaigns where they could be whatever they want, say whatever they want, and pretty much invent this huge dishonest picture of their lives for anyone who was interested.

The worst part is that it isn't getting any better. Like the show "Catfish", I didn't realize people actually made up entire fake identities and used them to start internet relationships. The fake identity thing wasn't too big of a surprise, but the length of time these people would keep things going and dragging on, lying to someone about who they are for 4 years, telling them you love them, when you've been dishonest about who you are the entire time...

This just kind of goes to show that people don't know what love is anymore. Not even an inkling of an idea. You don't fall in love with someone you're selling a fake perspective of yourself to. You can't love someone who lies to you about who they are, you think you are in love with the idea that they have painted of themselves for you.

Love has become this superficial, hollywood picture of what every 16 year old girls is taught to want. Perfect guy/girl, physically flawless, never has a different opinion than yours, always supports your shitty decisions.. It's made love working at all, essentially hopeless because everyone has a hugely exaggerated perspective of what love is supposed to be. ie:

Perfect guy/girl, physically flawless, never has a different opinion than yours, always supports your shitty decisions..


I was raised by people that taught me to fight for what I want, fight for what I believe. Love is hard, you have to work for it. It is a bond you build up to be strong, and if you work on it and nourish it and cherish it, then you get that real love that people are actually looking for.

I'm not saying that loving someone should be hard, but the understanding and dedication it takes to be on that level with someone else is incredibly impressive and valuable. These are the people that are worth your time. These are the people that REALLY, LOVE you.

If you are dishonest about everything that you are: A. No one will ever truly love you in any aspect of the word, because it isn't you they are falling for, it's fake and dirty. B. You can't love someone that you don't trust enough to show who you are really. You can definitely love someone you don't trust, but not someone you lie about who you are to. That is obsession/infatuation, and is exactly the problem with relationships these days, because it isn't even about being obsessed with a person anymore, it's being obsessed with being in love/falling in love/finding a perfect match.
Sometimes these things make me feel hopeless about the world. I definitely have the love I need in my life, but seeing all this makes me lose faith in other people, and for some reason them communal lack of goodness weighs on me and makes me sad for the world.

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