Welcoming New Life


Hello all. My husband @ray.luv.music and I are happy to announce the new addition to our family. Aria Lazarus was born (finally) on 7/18, the day her dad guessed beforehand (I guess I'm not surprised, even before birth she was a daddy's girl :D )


I'm sure many of you parents out there can relate to the stress of a newborn. After months of preparing and contemplating your readiness for such a tiny little life to care for, once they're born you realise you're not as "unfit" as you've been freaking out about. However, there is still the constant lingering fear that you are doing something wrong (which lets be honest, I am probably doing a lot more than just one thing wrong, but hey, yay parenting right?) Or that something is going to go wrong. But otherwise, settling in has gone very smoothly and we're very happy to be home with our new baby.


Her big brother is very happy as well. Over the months of my pregnancy, he was very worried about having a baby sister. Especially given that he is technically my step-son, he was very worried he would not be important and that he would have to stay up with the baby at night (odd thing to worry about). However, throughout the 19 hours of labor he refused to leave the hospital and since we have been home, he has given her more attention then anyone else. He does not want to be away from her. He even asked if we could put her bed in his bedroom and insisted on sleeping right next to her crib when we said no. I guess his comfort and love for her and him welcoming being a big brother is what makes me happier than anything.

I'm very blessed to have such a wonderful son, daughter, husband and a very big family for support.

I'm sure I'll be on and off of here depending on the baby. They may sleep most of the day at first but some how still take up most of your time. But that's ok, honestly, I'm really enjoying it.

Happy Steeming!

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