And So We Dance - VIII

It's been two years since my last "And So We Dance" post.

This is due to the fact that I had given up dancing for a bit more than a year. Why, well, a lot of aspects collided into a perfect storm, but the main driving force behind giving up the dances was the emotional aftermath of the "end of a season".

And by "season" I'm referring to me being (hopefully quietly and from afar to the best of my abilities) in love with someone. There is no secret that I'm a self-proclaimed asexual hermit, but I still somehow do end up in such seasons from time to time.

With an evidential start of a "new season", I felt secure enough and inspired to return to dances. Individual sessions only though, as I felt that in the group I'm only hiding and what I actually need to work on in regards to my own lameness can only be ironed out in individual sessions.

But then, well, you know, ronny broke out.

Fast forward to September, me accidentally being in the city for a bit and my dance teacher dropping me a line about a 3-hour long masterclass with costumes, photos, and learning a whole choreography at once - it was hard to resist. Taking into consideration how long had it been that I had last "morphed into my human form" as I laugh..

Slob-blob-working-from-home is totally my thing, don't get me wrong, but you know I love me some razzle-dazzle from time to time. So I did not have to think twice. I was in!

Now with the "current season" having just blown right up in my face with a tower moment worthy intensity, I surely felt quite insecure sharing these pictures I received today on social media, as I'm fearing them being misinterpreted as me being desperate.

But this is just me. My hobby. My sensitiveness, my vulnerabilities, my passion, my form, my truth, my true expression. And yes, I am currently in pain. And I honour that pain. It is mine. It is true. And it belongs to the divine. It is like wind. It is like water.

Previously on "And So We Dance":

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2 columns
1 column
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