Let's teach our children the essence of loving!

Hey Steemit!


Love begets love... Whom do you love?


As a mother my first priority is my family. A family composed by my loving husband and my wonderful children. I cannot be a good mother without my them.
My children are my inspiration..
my strength..
my everything!
I wouldn't feel complete without my angels.
My life has been in so much joy knowing that my they are there in sorrows and crisis we may be facing. Somehow, I made them an inspiration whenever I have a future plan. They are the top priority in every endeavor! Our life might not be
well-off but I know I've given more than what they need. And more than what they need, we've showered them with so much love!


When you show your children how to love, they'll also learn to show it to others. Love is very essential in every individual.
**With love, nothing is impossible. **

For God is Love!

** With love everything else follows. Let's start to teach our children the importance of loving. It is when their still young that we need to make feel loved so as they grow they have the nature of being a loving person. We parents are responsible in teaching good deeds to our children. In the future our children becomes our reflection! **

Have a nice day Steemit!

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