Love And Be Loved

Love And Be Loved

LOVE, the highest frequency in the universe that impacts our lives when we are learning experiences throughout time. For the most part, we have all loved someone and got love in return. Some people may state that they don't know love and it is hard to believe for my personal opinion.


I want you guys to remember this statement for your whole life: "The love that you behold, it's the pain you carry". What does it really mean? Let me just give it to you with an example. If you currently love someone (Parents, couples, siblings, etc), would you like something bad would happen to them?

I bet you that if you love someone, you would give everything for them and you would feel a lot of pain for that person, because that's the amount of love you also have in you for them. LOVE is equal to PAIN, but love is not pain. That is why, love someone and get that love in return, it is one of the best experiences you can have.

The love that you behold, it's the pain that you carry.

Blessings to all.

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