Only God knows the soul mate, and certainly if it's time to meet, no matter we know him or he/she knows us


Only God knows the soul mate, and certainly if it's time to meet, no matter we know him or he knows us.

And no matter the distance and time is still very unlikely, if it's time to unite then God will bring a beautiful way to meet and then unite.

So what should we do now? Pray, because prayer is an umbrella for longings that wet feelings. Believe and continue to be positive about each story that God wrote to us in waiting.

Remember, distance and time are not a barrier for us to continue to hope for the best, to love, or to feel dear in silence. Because prayer exists as a bridge for us to remain confident, and continue to wish the best only to the author of the best love story in the lives of his servants.

So no matter now we are still separated as far east and west, but if it's time to meet, then surely God will give us the best way to meet. But make sure we are still in His goodness, so that the way He offers us is also a good way.

Keep on praying, so that our longing also brings more of this feeling of confidence in His decrees.
Because the more we believe in God, the more we love in the prayers we whisper to Him, then the miracle of something that is impossible will become very possible.

We never feel hopeless and the like, especially just because we feel that there are no signs that we will be reunited quickly.
Because after all the end is only God who knows how best.

So remain confident in every prayer that we have offered to Allah, the most wise in matching a servant who is not yet matched. Because if we are sure, and when the time has come to meet him, then God will give us a way to truly unite.

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