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I miss you

We all at some point of time in our life have had someone to take care of us, Someone who has always acted as a shield whenever any kind of harm has come towards us. For me it was my grandfather. It's funny how we take things for granted when we have them but later in life regret not being thankful enough. So by means of this poem I wanted to take a moment to express my state of mind because as they say there's no better means other than to write about it to let go of your distress.


It was a long and scary night
And my mind was filled with fright
Though my mouth was drying with thirst
The kitchen seemed too far to reach

My mind and heart were in a tug of war
Should I go out or just sleep and snore
I badly wanted my grandfather around
But sadly he was no longer to be found

I miss the late night stories he used to tell
Now my life has become like a empty well
I have always been his little princess, but
Now my life has been filled with bleakness

No one can ever replace the void he left
Him leaving us was my first aquantaince with theft
Now there is nothing but vestige left of him
I am surrounded by water and I don't know how to swim

I miss him..... I really do.