I'm by name Mr. Ayeni Michael also known as AY CONCEPT. A graduate of University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria. I was born and brought up in Nigeria and also with the love of Information Communication Technology (ICT), which i believed so much that anything is possible. I am one of those two kind of person that believed in the world of LOVE which most people don't and also hard work, learning new things every day of my Life with an achievement.

Favourite Quote:
"Some people love to bring up all the mistakes you made in the past, but if they do, just remember this. While they sat there criticizing you and your life, you had experiences and learned from them. At the end of our lives, we will only have our experiences and memories to go on, so don’t let anyone make you feel bad for your past. We live and learn, and our past does not have to define us."

Always remember that human's are always humans.

I'm in the world full of love.


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