Drunken thoughts: I’m losing hope here in Steemit

An Outcast

I’ve had other accounts in popular websites such as Facebook and Instagram where I have common friends and closest friends. I would spend almost whole day expressing myself through these websites, posting all kinds of stuff including what’s on my mind. I never knew that we can make some money by posting online until I discovered Steemit.com.

By the time I entered in such a new platform, honestly I got confused on what to do here in Steemit. No one had taught me on how to navigate this. And there was only me who did the very best to understand everything about Steemit. I dived into several references/ blogs from other Steemians in order to know the tips on how to get started. Until I discovered some superb bloggers in Steemit whose blogs were flooded by upvotes and have gained several followers namely: @surpassinggoogle @papa-pepper @acidyo @fyrstikken @ned @gavvet @gringalicious @hr1 @jerrybanfield @penguinpablo @kenny-crane @kevinwong

It came suddenly on my mind that I wanted to be a good writer like them. Being too ambitious isn’t that bad, right?

I realized that most of the steemians are imterrelated. I could see on the comments section their interchangig convos and then as I was trying to put a comment on my idol, I felt very awkward for not being replied. That is why sometimes I felt like an OUTCAST.

Yes, English isn’t my first language but believe me I’m trying

I gotta be honest I’m a Filipino. And I know that I’m not that very good in English. I would be honest that I have trouble in even speaking fluently but I m working it out to be better. I practice making content so that I would be able to produce a readable one. As I tried to post several articles online, I received offending comments about my grammar. In fact, they were too straight forward without understanding that Im still a newbie here. Well, lets face it. There’s pretty lot of differences between american language and learned-english. Its never hard for english speakers to produce a content because they have this spontaneity however for a filipino like me whose english is still developing, I might have a hard time constructing proper sentences on my posts. I would appreciate a friendly and constructive critics instead of insulting comments.

Got confused of what to write and not to write

This confusion started when I noticed my posts not receiving any upvotes. ANd the heartbreaking part was there were just seeners on my posts. I ran back to my newsfeed seeing blogs being upvoted by the majority of people. Then I read those articles. Just few month ago, I noticed some were interested with certain topics such as about health, poems, photography, travel, humor and many more. I tried to divert my field of interest and made blogs about tags that were more trendy to the viewers. However, I only got pathetic cents.

I feel outdated

I know that any website are meant to keep on changing. So there have been innovations that took place in this website. Yes, there were times when I failed to post consecutively here in Steemit because I have a work. I work my ass 12 hours a day and everytime I arrive home, it felt like I'm loosing my eyes and nodded off. So I feel outdated with the latest trend here in Steemit. I don't know anymore about the most recent activities established by known bloggers such as photo contest and bots.


I’ve been here in Steemit since August 2016.

But it seemed I haven’t improved.I haven’t had much of upvotes. I have to be honest, I only got pathetic cents. I might have been followed by bots, whales or something like that but I have never been recognized by my idols. I don't know why or maybe I'm just paranoid.

I think I have to end up here before I get too emotional. You know what, I have put my authentic personality here in Steemit. I have never been a fake one but I might be a trying hard one as a blogger. But rest assured all of my posts were my true color with real and honest expression.



I know that I might get a lot of critics in here afterwards. Hope you had fun reading this.

Have a good day Steemians!
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