Of course you can!

When you spend enough time alone, it can become your norm.

So much so that you forget how to do some very basic things.

These “skills” will of course come back with just a little practice and effort.

All you have to do is put yourself back out into the world.

But when you have this mission... thee overarching goals, you can’t just stop chasing them.

You have to find a balance.

You have to find a way to both live your life and build your dreams.

This is something that I struggle with - balance.

I struggle to keep both a personal life and a work life.

It’s not as easy as many people make it out to be... at least, not for me.

I just love working on my goals and ambitions so much. I have these aspirations that I can’t wait to make into reality.

And so, maybe it’s my destiny to sacrifice one more year and work my ass off. Maybe it’s not really a sacrifice, but a gift.

The gift of time to build my dream life by reading, learning, investing and ultimately, self improvement.

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