On Another Bender: Gaming Addiction

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I'm starting to think when the weather turns cold I'm much more likely to jump back in to my gaming addiction habits. It's been over a full year since this happened to me last time. October 23rd to be exact. How nice it is to have these events recorded for me on the blockchain.

Sucked Into The Black Hole Of Gaming.
Lost a month but still here.

  • Back then it was Factorio.
  • Usually it's Starcraft, Hearthstone, or World of Warcraft.
  • This time it's League Of Legends.


It's been a while since I've been hitting the ranked games hard.
Gotta get that CS and avoid those jungle ganks, you know what I mean?

Switching addictions.

Seems like I can't help but go all out on anything I try to do, for a time at least. Most of these games I play are extremely competitive and require quite a bit of hours being put in if one wants to make any real "progress". Being so out of practice and remembering how good I used to be makes me compulsively want to get back to where I was.

In any case, it's been these same addictive properties that have allowed me to lose 50 pounds over the last 3 months and make a bit of progress learning the Steemit API before that. It's certainly not all bad when I can channel that energy into something productive. Redirection is much easier than suppression. Here's to hoping I figure that out sooner rather than later.



My blog content is suffering.
My diet/exercise regiment is suffering.
My relationship is suffering.
My work is suffering.
Everything must be sacrificed to play more games!


Anything is better than the WOW addiction.
I've got like 10k hours played of WOW.
Keep me away from that shit.
I'll see you all on the other side.

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