LOH #141 what do i wanna be remembered as when im Gone ?

It was a tough thing to think of when i read this weeks contest topic of LOH community .
What would i want people to remember me as?

Tbh that is a very deep question .
First i thought maybe an artist? I want to be remembered as an Artist that inspires others but tbh in reality I don't want people to remember me as something i did .

Rather i wanna be remembered like a kind and gentle person . I wanna be remembered as an helper .

In my life i always have been the therapist friend who loves to help the people around her cheer them up , listen to them as the vent , be there as a moral support .

Why because i always wanted to be the person i always needed . As a kid i was bullied in school and that has left a huge scar on my mental health . I get anxious around people band insecure about myself . So i try to be the person that doesn't make others go through that kind of pain alone.

It made me smile when i thought . If my friends ever told their kids about their bad times i want them to tell them about there stories and mention me as the friend that helped them out , advised them , supported them i want my memories to be something that makes you smile .

Being remembered as an artist is good but being remembered as a friend that helped you through thick and thin is Precious .❤️

Thank you for your precious time and support ❤️
Image courtesy: Pixabay

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