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30 Days Logo Challenge | Day #3 | Panda Bamboo Logo


#30DaysLogoChallenge is where I willl try to make a logo a day for 30 days straight. duh!

I did this mostly for practice and hobby, and I don't want to push myself. So, I will try to make simple logo that roughly will only take an hour to make.

For day #4, it is a hot air panda themed logo. the logo that I made today is a bit complex and almost like an illustration. it's surely won't work well when printed but I think it will work wonderfull in digital. overall I really love the result of today practice and I kinda see a little bit improvement on my skill. :)

steem panda_1@3x.png

Screenshot (191).png

resteem if you like it and follow me for more of this kinda of stuff.

If you need a logo design you can contact me at or just leave a comment bellow.