WORK PRACTICE resentfully

  1. Grievances crying easily removed. While fresh offense - cry! Do not hold back tears, your health is more pride. (In principle, of course, choose some pride and will bring himself up to stroke - and it happens).

  2. "Pillow whipping." Sleeping on it can not be anybody - neither you nor anyone else. Pillow this supposed to beat. Beat on it hard, so how would you like to beat the offender! Get rid of the negative energy, express the pillow all that would like to make the offender. Remember - it is impossible to forgive, holding back the negative energy of resentment in yourself!

  3. speaking the water. Sit by the river and tell the river all their pain and sorrow. See there, where the water flows away and tell me how you hurt and offended as you are suffering.
    Believe me - the river will take a lot of your offense, it is a proven tool. If there is no river nearby - you can open the tap in the bathroom and - forward.

  4. Crick. Go in a completely empty space and if your resentment turned into anger - vykrichite this anger, shout with all his might! Mother, shouting obscene words that comes to language, do not restrain or control. Enclose cry all the accumulated negative energy.
    I know people who yell at home, in the bathroom, as long as there is no one at home. Ignoring the fact that they could hear the neighbors - well, so health is more ambition?

  5. We write offense. Let's sit down and take a piece of paper and a pen. Write only on the hands! Writing the date, month, year, time. And begins to write anything boiling on the heart that disturbs and haunts. Ends when the finished sheet with two sides. Another sheet do not take! This is very important - in prescribing important measure. Writes at the end - finish, again set by time - always. Re-read everything that is written. There may be a very unpleasant feeling, suffering, that's fine.

Then burn the leaf, watching how it burns like paper curls as melt in the fire line. It burns your pain and hurt.

  1. The most efficient and environmentally friendly Typically dissolution offense - conscious perception. Uschuschaem in the body where there is hurt, how it looks, fix in the mind. Mentally utter: "I'll see you about me." With these words, "Derivation" of her body and ask: "What did you come to teach me?".
    The result can be stunning! In just a few minutes, not only can dissolve the offense, but also to understand the great meaning of life, guiding us to the best.

Do not keep grudges, corrosive joy of life. Love one another, forgiving and be happy! image

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