Exercises to improve vision

Eyes work because of muscles, and muscles need to train, - says ophthalmologist - eye movements is best done in the morning or the evening before bedtime. Each exercise is repeated for 5-30 times, start small and gradually increase the load. Movement smooth, without jerks, between exercises useful to blink. And do not forget to remove glasses or contact lenses. Exercises to improve vision is a great way to restore your eyesight.

Exercise number 1. looks out the window

We make a point of clay and sculpt on the glass. Select the window distant object for several seconds looking into the distance, and then looked at the point. Later, you can complicate the load - to focus on four different distance objects.

Exercise number 2. MASSAGE

Making the "look of a frightened man." Sit up straight. Firmly zazhmurivaem eyes for 5 seconds, then open them wide. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise number 3. WHIRLPOOL

Twice a day, morning and evening, rinse the eye. In the morning - first palpable hot water (! Without burning), then cold. Before going to bed in reverse order: wash cold, then hot water.

Exercise number 4. DRAW PICTURE

First Aid for Eye - Close them for a few minutes and imagine something pleasant. And if you rub the palms of your hands and cover your eyes with warm hands, fingers crossed in the middle of the forehead, the effect will be noticeable.

Exercise number 5. «shoot eyes"

  • Look up and down with the maximum amplitude.
  • We draw a circle in a clockwise direction and vice versa.
  • We carry a view from the inner corner of the right eye and the outer corner of the left eye up to the outer corner of the right eye and the left inner corner. Then - in the opposite direction.

  • Draw a square look.
  • Sight is an arc - convex and concave.
  • Looks around the diamond.
  • Draw eyes bows.
  • We look at the letter S - first horizontally and then vertically.
  • We draw the eyes of the vertical arc, first clockwise, then - against.
  • Looked from one corner to another along the diagonals of a square.
  • A set of pupils to the nose hard, bringing a finger to his nose.
  • Frequently blink often centuries - like a butterfly waving wings image

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