Lhokseumawe city Aceh traditional assembly

Adat istiadat is the procedure for the customary life regulations of an area in Aceh, this is a special institution that exists in the City districts throughout Aceh.

Within this special institution, there are various fields, the field of customary heritage, the field of customs, the field of customary law, the field of youth education and customary education, and another in the field of Putro Phang.

This field of Putro Phang is specifically for women, this is a procedure to regulate everything that is related to the activities of women, in carrying out their daily lives.

And myself as a member of the Aceh traditional heritage field in Lhokseumawe City. This traditional heirloom has various kinds of traditional heirloom equipment, such as art and culture equipment.

Art tools are traditional heirlooms, such as: rapai shaking, rapai Pase, rapai uroeh.

Likewise, traditional heirloom tools in the form of weapons such as: rencong, keris, sword.

All these stemian friends are a hereditary treasure for us Acehnese, especially in the city of Lhokseumawe and generally all urban districts in Aceh.

We must know about these customs according to where each of us has a habit of treatment in carrying out activities together in our daily life.

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