The warrior hidden under the sea


One day, the son of the Aki, the swimmer of the sea, decided it was time to take a trip outside the seas and into the land in search of his father’s home. He took a long journey and upon arriving, he found the Last of Aki and contacted him over the telepathic link.

He advised Aki that he was home and wanted to meet him, but the Aki refused. The Aki explained the outside world was filled with enemies and he feared the son of the Aki would not survive.

One day Aki decided it was time to get it out of his system and meet his son for the first time. Aki comes to land once a year. At that time, the son of the Aki gets beneath the water and waits in surprise. It was the day of Aki’s annual trip to land and he felt like surprising his son since the Aki had not done so earlier.

The son of the Aki heard the footsteps of Aki, who was walking towards him. To his surprise, Aki began to run towards him but to his disbelief, Aki kept on running, straight into the water and do not come back.

Aki eventually died and to honor his memory, the son of the Aki left the seas in his father’s swimming grounds and spent every year in honor of Aki. That’s why the following day, when the son of the Aki would visit the world of Saiyans in the sea, would be the time of the World Martial Arts Tournament.

The son of the Aki was standing on the island of Korin and looking into the ocean.He saw his father standing underneath the water. “I’m sorry father but I have a few people who I would like to take back to the ocean at least once. Would you mind if they come with me when I leave?” The son of Aki’s thoughts were reaching the father’s mind.

“Sure, I’ll take them with me. I want to meet them,” the father replied.

“I’ll be back again this year,” the son replied.

“Remember, when I come back, I want to meet you,” the father called back.

The son of Aki was swimming towards the bubbles of the water and he saw his father’s head above the water surface. Aki smiled and took one last breath.

The son of Aki reaches out and pulls his father’s head out. The son closed his eyes as tears began to roll down his face. He looked up at the sky and saw a rainbow.

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