Reaching for the stars of a galaxy


Some moments can be felt more than understood. Emotions can be felt more than explained. Understanding is something mankind gains over time. Emotions can be experienced at first sight, though. I could feel her pain. I tried to share it. Her voice sounded on and off, distant and close at the same time.

If I could share her pain, was I then a pain killer? Or for that matter, a pain giver? Was she an orphan? I could ask, she was silent. I didn't get a chance to ask, she seemed to know. She didn't trust me. Perhaps I had done something wrong for her to feel like that. Perhaps it was because she was an orphan that she had so little trust in people. There is no such thing as perfect trust, is there? I decided to understand the situation first.

We were in a big, cavernous space. The roof was made of big, heavy, dark rock slabs, filled in with a concrete-like material. The floors were mostly made of concrete and had patterns on them. They were pretty intricate patterns, such as circles within circles, squares within various figures, and some strange slime-like figures.

At the very center of the room, there was a group of large glass tubes. A form of slime was bubbling within them. I couldn't figure out what it was, but the tubes were too big to be test tubes. I was starting to doubt whether this was a hospital at all.

There were also some smaller glass tubes, more difficult to notice. They were placed on a circular table, in a personal area. I heard my voice ask me, "Do you think she is trapped inside this slime?"

"I don't know. I wish I did," I answered to myself.

The slime inside the glass tubes shook aggressively, the slimes looked like they were having a fight with each other. The big ones were losing. They melted. The little ones evolved. They became bigger and monstrous looking. The slime looked like some sort of egg inside the tube, except the back of it looked like a layer of head tissue. As the slime broke, if you tried to suck it, you would get a whole bunch of it. Gross.

I looked around, the only person present was me. Was this a hospital? I thought I was going to jail. I started to re-think this whole thing, "Are you working for the government? Is this a mental ward? Or did I end up in a doctors office by mistake? Are you talking to me, my thoughts are not like a voice?"

I started to question the what if's again. Maybe... What if this is a hospital? What if it's the government? What if we were in a doctor's office? What if these weren't glass tubes, but floor drains? I turned around and seen a large guy on a walkie-talkie looking at me from the other side of the room. Thankfully, he looked like he was on a walkie-talkie. It looked like he too was questioning the purpose of this place, so whatever questions I had, I was sure he too had the same questions.

As I tried to recall the way I got here, I remembered everything that happened. I remember sitting in my room. I was working on some code for the latest 3D API. The API updates needed some really experimental features to be in it, like better shadowing or an algorithm that would be able to blend lighting for textures on multiple layers so that you could see through the walls. It seemed so ridiculously complex. If only I could figure out a way to swap vertices without gaps in between.

I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the time on my phone. "Who would be visiting me at this time?" I asked myself. I checked my caller ID. It was my friend, Jack.

"Would you open up? It's Jack!" he shouted through the door.

"One second," I said to him. I put my phone down on my desk.

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