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XXI century


Here sex is free and love has become a pocket full of notes.
Where losing your cell phone is worse than losing your values. Where the fashion is to smoke and drink, and if you don't, you're out of date. Where the bathroom became a photo studio and the church, the perfect place to check in.XXI century, where men and women fear pregnancy much more than HIV.
Where the pizza delivery service arrives faster than the ambulance.

Where people die of fear of terrorists and criminals much more than they fear GOD.
Where clothing decides a person's worth and having money is more important than having friends or even family.
21st century, where children are able to renounce their parents for their virtual love.
Where parents forget to gather the family at the table for a harmonious dinner, talking about the day to day because they are entertained at work or cell phone.
Where men and women often only want relationships without obligations and their only "commitment" is posing for photos and posting on social networks swearing eternal love.
Where love was made public or a play.
Where the most popular or the most followed with the most likes in photos is the one that seems to squander happiness; the one who puts photos in legal and fashionable places surrounded by "empty friendships" with "uncertain loves" and "disunited families".
Where people forgot to take care of the Spirit, of the empty soul and decided to take care of and cultivate their bodies.
Where it is worth another liposuction to have the desired body of the "artistic world" than a university diploma.
Where a photo in the academy is much more liked than a photo studying or practicing good deeds.
21st century, here you only survive if you play with "reason", and you are destroyed if you act with your heart!
When a woman tells you: "Don't drink"
"Come home early" "Don't hang out with them" "Don't fight", it's because he really loves you, because he couldn't bear to see you one day lying on a hospital bed or looking at you in a box.
Value the woman who cares about you, value the woman who, even if you are angry, hugs you and says "Calm down my love."
That despite the fact that at that moment you will not care about anything she said to you, she is there next to you saying "don't do it".
Because a woman who doesn't say anything to you is because she doesn't care about you because she really doesn't care.
Value that woman who, after worrying about you so much, ends up being the messy one, the hateful one, the unbearable one. But he does it because he cares about you. Why do I assure you that another will not be with you in the most difficult moments of your life, nor will another one catch you when you are about to commit something crazy, really value the one who supports you, the one who helps you get ahead. not the one that lets you do whatever you want so that you end up in a box straight to your funeral