The Magic Pot


Once upon a time, a farmer, Gopi, lived in a village. He had few acres of land. One hot afternoon, the poor farmer was digging his field. Suddenly his shovel hit something. Then he continued his excavation. "It's a big metal pot," Gopi said. It was big enough to boil rice for over a hundred people. “It doesn't seem to be of any use to me. I'm going to dig deeper. Maybe I will find something else, "thought Gopi. He continued digging.

After digging for a long time, Gopi felt tired. "It's no use. There is nothing in this field, "he thought. Then immediately he threw the shovel into the pot in frustration and sat under a tree to rest for a while.

After a while, when he got up to leave, he couldn't believe his eyes. There were a hundred spades in the pot. “This is a magic pot. I'll put this handle in the pot and see what happens, "thought Gopi. Then Gopi put a mango in the pot. To his surprise, he found a hundred mangoes in the pot. Gopi took the pot home and kept it in a secret place so that no one would notice.
After that, he put a lot of things into it and everything turned into hundreds of times. With that pot, he became a rich man. The King learned of the pot and its whereabouts. The king was curious to know and he was a greedy king. “I want to discover the secret of the magic pot. If it is valuable, it should be in the King's treasury, ”thought the King. Then immediately the King ordered his men to bring the farmer and his pot.

When the magic pot was brought into the King's chamber, he did not know what to do. The King thought, "Let me see what is inside this pot that makes this pot so magical." He looked inside. Inadvertently, he slipped and fell into the pot. When he came out of the magic pot, he was surprised to find that there were a hundred Kings.

All the kings began to ascend the throne. They fought each other and died. The magic pot was in the king's treasury. “The foolish King took the magic pot from me out of curiosity and he finally died. This magic pot has killed the King ”, said the farmer and he, safely, left the magic pot in the King's treasure.

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