A desperate Christian in an aimless valley


Hi. My name is You. I have a story for you. Shortly after my birth, I was given a name by my mother. So please call me You.

One day, when I was about a year old, I made up my mind. I was not going to cooperate with whatever God decides to do with my life. I would run away from him.

I was very clear about my intentions, and I was determined to give it a try even at the risk of my life. But the plan was not ready yet.

I had eight older brothers—four brothers from my Dad’s side, and, four from my mum’s. They were all older than me, except for one. He was my favourite to play with me. But he never had much interest in play, although I tried my best to make him happy.

The first thing I did after deciding my plan to run away was to turn very evil. I did not care which God I ran away from. But I knew there was one God who would be able to help me run away from him, and support me throughout the period of conflict.

The purpose of this story is not just to write down how I ran away from God. More importantly, my purpose was to warn the people who think they are so great. What I am trying to say here is that I was very naughty when I was very young, and often the people around me did not like me. And they often scolded me and complained about me to my mother.

As I overheard them complaining, I began to realize that they actually forgot what bad kids my brothers were when they were young. I was shocked to hear that the previous members of my family had been very bad. I was very angry. After hearing some of the stories of how they behaved, I realized they had no respect for anything or anyone around them.

I viewed them as gods. I no longer had any respect for them. But they had forgotten their past.

One day, in a moment of happiness, my mother told me how proud she was of her boys, including me. That moment, I began to think about running away. I did not know how to find some support for my plan.

But I believed my mother and I admired her very much. She had been telling me stories about how good she was. But that was a different story.

Then one day, my mother told me that I was no longer a little baby. I was no longer a baby, and my brothers and I were alive by the mercy of God. Wow, that was such a shocking moment for me. I was too surprised to even reply anything to her. I was very proud of my mother. I began to think I was a god after all.

From that day, I became very well behaved. I did not create any problems that my brothers faced. Even my brothers did not complain that my mother had a very unruly child. They were all very thankful.

I developed a great interest in growing up. I loved to do a lot of things that my brothers used to love to do. But only I enjoyed them. I also always made sure to do things that I thought made my brothers happy. I thought they must have been very happy about my manners.

My brothers and I were all very proud of each other because of our mannerisms, especially mine.

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