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The nutcracker lost on a winter road


When the man was done, he closed his book and closed his eyes. The room was dark except for the light from the Christmas tree.

The man imagined the man standing at the foot of a mountain. The man was a killer. The man was a murderer. The man was a nutcracker. The nutcracker was a great hunter. The nutcracker was a killer.

A fog drifted out from an oak tree and sealed the nutcracker in a cocoon.

The cocoon hardened and the next morning the cocoon was a giant silver hammer. In the middle of nowhere, before climbing a steep slope, the nutcracker hit a tree. The hammer shattered. The pieces of silver became pieces of wood. The nutcracker was freed from the hammer. The nutcracker stood up and stared into the distance. In front of him was a winter road. In front of him were birds flying behind trees and vanishing into the mountains. In front of him was a black forest with snow gargoyles and pillars of stone. In front of him was a town with a dark castle that was a reflection of a dark angel. In front of him was a deep ravine with a bottom that was a mirror of a black surface.

The nutcracker walked until he reached a fork in the winter road. The two roads went in opposite directions. One road led to a town. The other led to a mountain. In the town was a tin soldier standing in a tavern. In the mountains was a great canyon. In the canyon was a troll's cave. In the cave was a dragon. In the cave was treasure. In the cave was a man wrapped in a blanket like a bud bud in a shell. A tattoo on the man's cheek said:"The nutcracker".

Suddenly, a thought pierced him like an arrow. "I am the nutcracker's shadow. "

He felt for his breast pocket. He pulled out a piece of parchment with writing on it. "I am the nutcracker's shadow. " He gripped the parchment tightly. His hands trembled.

The nutcracker walked up to the fork in the winter road. A jay circled in the air above him. A crow perched on the road in front of him.

The nutcracker turned in the direction of the mountain.

Part Two

The sun peeled off the snow like an orange. A drop of water landed on the pot of boiling water with a thump. A puff of steam rose from the pot.

The silver soldier was in a bar. In a room. In a tavern. In a farmer's house. In a valley. In a valley of a mountain. In a town. In the castle. In the castle's emperor's chamber. The emperor was wearing a fancy crown. It was made of silver. The nutcracker crept up to the cupboard. He felt the smooth handle. He felt the area under the cupboard. He pulled out a piece of paper with writing on it.

The soldier was in the street. He was leaning against the bark of a tree. The soldier was hunting. The soldier was a man. The soldier was wrapped in a blanket like a bud bud in a shell. A tattoo on his cheek said:"The nutcracker".

The soldier walked up to the fork in the road. He turned to look at the mountains.

The soldier turned back. In front of him was a valley. In the valley was a town. In front of the town was a mountain. In front of the mountain was a great canyon. In the canyon was a cave. In the cave was a troll. In front of the troll was a gold coin. In front of the gold coin was a man wrapped in a blanket like a bud bud in a shell. A tattoo on the man's cheek said:"The nutcracker".

The soldier walked up to the coin. The soldier stopped in front of the coin. The soldier held out his hand. The soldier grabbed the coin. The soldier watched the coin. The soldier hid the coin. The soldier walked away. The soldier walked up to the town. The soldier walked up to the town's streets. The soldier walked to the tavern. The soldier walked to the room.

The soldier was in the room. He was lying on the floor. He was wearing a fluffy red hat. The soldier was wrapped in a blanket like a bud bud in a shell. A tattoo on the nutcracker's cheek said:"The nutcracker".

The soldier opened his eyes. He sat up. The soldier was in a room. The soldier was wrapped in a blanket like a bud bud in a shell. A tattoo on the nutcracker's cheek said:"The nutcracker".

The soldier walked up to the man on the floor. The soldier walked up to the pot. The soldier grabbed the pot's handle. The soldier pulled the pot off the stove. There was a clang. The soldier walked back to the cupboard. The soldier pulled out a piece of paper with writing on it.

Part Three

The soldier walked back to the fork on the winter road. The soldier looked at the two roads. One road led to a mountain. The other led to a town. The soldier walked towards the town.

The town had narrow grey streets. The soldier walked through the town. The town's houses had grey paint. The soldier walked through the town. He passed the town's shop. The soldier passed the town's inn. He passed the town's bakery. In the next street was a tavern. In the tavern was a room. In the room was a bar. In the room was a table. In the table was a man. In the man was a piece of paper with writing on it.

The soldier walked into the room. He walked to the table. He picked up the piece of paper with writing on it.

In the tavern was a man. In the man was a piece of paper with writing on it. In the piece of paper with writing on it was writing. In the writing was a sentence. In the sentence was a name. In the name was a word. The word was snow.

The bar was busy.