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Bonus linkedin tips.

Dear Hivers

LinkedIn is not a foolproof system. There have been cases of profiles that disappeared. Save your work.

If you don't like the order of the sections of your profile, it's entirely possible to rearrange . When you are in edit profile mode , position yourself on the title of a section and move it to the position of your choice Drag to rearrange your profile.
Size of the different sections : First name: 20 characters | Name: 40 char. | Title: 120 carac. | Update: 700 char. | Summary: 2,000 char. | Specialties: 500 carac. | Titles (in the experience section): 100 char. | Descriptions (in the experience section): 2,000 char. |
LinkedIn profile in different languages.
You will thus earn points on your competitors who will have written their profile in only one language. It can also bring you customers who are looking for multilingual collaborators.
Second, you will increase your potential to be found on Linkedin. Adding keywords in multiple languages allows you to stand out on more searches.
More than thirty languages are offered by the platform. Of course, LinkedIn will not translate your profile, but it helps you stay consistent regardless of the language and guides you through the parts to be completed.
To manage your profile in each language, select the version at the top right then modify the sections, step by step.
Finally, when you consult the profile of another person, to see if their profile exists in several languages, just look at the top right if there is a choice (ex: English, French, Spanish)

In conclusion,
A complete , regularly updated LinkedIn profile is undeniably a key element of your visibility . Because if someone needs your specific expertise, it is essential that they be able to find you easily.

Give yourself the time to create a truly effective LinkedIn profile. The more correct and specific you are, the more questions you answer from a potential customer, the more likely you are to be contacted.

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