
Image source; recharging steempower ā›³ā›³ā›³šŸ”‹šŸ”‹šŸ”‹

I always found myself wondering what to do when my curating activities are halted as a result of undelegation, because curating activities are second best and gives meaning to the essence of content creating and that why I spend 40% of my steem time curating contents and spend 20% creating content and the remaining 40% on twitter promoting steem so hence when the curating seem to stop drastically because of the percentage loss of my voting power, then there will be a huge gap of time left from your activities, so how then do you utilize it? A very confusing thing, however I'm of the opinion that steem time is created exponentially to bear fruit, and when wasted will bring no progress to the journey of a steemian, so what's up then? The truth is that I believe that true engagement is in curating, and engagement to me is as important as reaching people expecially as curating and when I mean engagement, I mean leaving feedbacks and opinionated comments in people's works and content.

Now back to the massive amount of 40% left in your time, since I divided engagement into commenting and curating (the double C) and curating seems null for now, the thing I do is to dedicate 30% of my time to full commenting at least to make up for the less commenting and more curating I've been doing lately at least for full three days which my voting power will have to recharge really, and the remaining 10% obviously will go to promoting twitter, that means that I'll be promoting steem on twitter a whooping 50% of my designated steem time, well that settles it. Make no mistake curating activities rocks and since I've been empowered to do so, I do it unanimously to empower myself by others too simplicity in it's truest form.

"Time may never be bought" it can be gotten freely too but obviously it's even more dangerous when you loose it, because it actually can never be gotten expecially at that period of time. So having time may seem okay, but if not utilized, it can be delicately dangerous and bring a lot of regret. So many steemians who actually were here when steem was $8 are no longer here, and they're making a huge mistake by not utilizing the time frame now that steem is at it's lowest to accumulate steem power, I'm predicting this people to fail successfully when steem will definitely rise before the coming of 2022. My point is that it's essential to utilize your steem time, either curating, commenting, playing games, or utilizing the dapps, anyway it is, steem time must never be spent idilly unless you're a big user, with 500k steem power but even at this they'll have to utilise this massive steempower to bring untold dividends. Definitely here's my secret if your voting power or RC is Fucked, then here is a tip to utilize your steem time.

Appreciating (@nathanmars @xformationdan @singhcapital) the people utilizing their SP unanimously without attachments to promote quality contents on the blockchain

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