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→ Chopsticks in Japan

A nice overview on chopsticks from Included are some of the no-nos for proper chopstick usage.

There is more to using chopsticks than proper grip, and diners need to keep in mind the diverse rules of hashi manners. When eating, food should be conveyed quickly from platter to dish, and allowing chopsticks to linger too long over cuisine is a breach of etiquette known as mayoibashi. Other faux pas include neburibashi, licking droplets of soy sauce off the end of chopsticks, and sashibashi, or spearing food.

I'm guilty of neburibashi. I'm such a foreign barbarian sometimes.


Link Blog

Back when I had my own website, I used to post a few random links everyday or every few days, in the style of or Readers seemed to enjoy seeing them.

To signify a link post, I'll put an arrow (→) at the beginning of the title to show you guys it is a link post and that you can skip it if such things don't interest you.

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time. More?

If this blog post has entertained or helped you, please follow/upvote/resteem. Also, consider buying me a beer.

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Thank you :)
