Mid-Term Election Results - An Early View From Israel

I have good news and bad news.

The good news - mid-terms are over.
The bad news - the 2020 election campaign begins today!

Seriously now.. I love elections. My views take me to both sides, making it easier to keep it positive and like both parties.

I'm originally from Miami and live in Israel. Election results typically start to come in at 6pm EST, which is 1am in Israel. So I go to sleep, and wake up to results. They're still coming in now, at 8:40am..

Some headlines for me..

Dems take the House
I'm one of the rare breed who both agrees and disagrees with Trump. It's complicated. I think it's good that there will be a check on the White House. I also have a lot of respect for Nancy Pelosi. Even when I disagree with her, she is the most successful woman in the American politics - ever.

Florida is still center right
Rick Scott is about to win his 3rd statewide election by 1%. Wow. When I visit my family in liberal South Florida, I never read or hear a good thing about him, so I have no opinion of him. He's obviously good. I like Bill Nelson a lot - he was my kind of moderate Democrat.

De Santis is on his way to winning, but it's not over yet. I thought he and Gillum were both too far from the center for my taste. Florida typically elects moderates - Bob Graham, Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio (a conservative, but not from the far right of his party and he took risks on immigration). But Florida is center right, not center left in 2018.

Marijuana to be legal in Michigan
Winning in the mid-west is a big deal. Until now, all legal states were in the west or east coasts, besides Colorado. Now it hits a mid-west state. More conservative and more farmers - in Michigan and in nearby states who will want to get in on the action.

Women win
Seems both sides are electing a lot of women.

In a few hours, we'll know more!

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