Back and I’m better!

I’ve been MIA for like a month. Wow, that’s such a long time. I haven’t been up to much just learning some new skills. For example, I’m learning how to make resin art. I’ve tried making a mold with silicone and cornstarch, something cheap as my first try. I didn’t want to buy something too expensive if I ended up wasting so much of it. I’m glad I went the cheap route because I ended up wasting more than half of the silicone. In my defense it tried out way too fast. Anyway, I’ve decided to take some tax preparation course. I start on the Sept. 24. I’m pretty stoked. I gave up job searching, but I need a source of income so I thought that could help since tax season is around the corner, and then I’ll be able to take some notary classes. I’ll have a job all year, and I’ll be working for myself so no need to get hired anywhere. A month ago, I felt like I lost all hope, but I’m doing better mentally, and I’m learning so much. I’ve been going to church, Transformation Church to be exact, and I’ve really invested my time into understanding what God wants for me. It’s really refreshing, especially since I haven’t properly gone to church since I was a preteen, or maybe even younger. I’m just glad that I’m beginning to find my purpose. I haven’t found it yet, but I’m close so I’ll stick with it.

God is love,


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