Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Dream- Choose New Ones if You have to


Life has a way of getting in the way of well-laid plans.

Sometimes we need to change course. A sharp course correction can be a shock. Do not let life steal your dreams, rather make sure to recalibrate your dream and work on a new plan.

When we set our eyes on a goal, we put our energy into creating a plan, and sometimes we fall short. Whether it was a lack of skill, resources or required effort and support, we need to acknowledge that we failed and look at our next move. Is this something that is feasible? Do you need help? Is more effort required or is this plan in need of revision?

A plan "B" is sometimes what we need to succeed. A dream should not simply be abandoned, rather it should be pursued in a sensible and efficient manner. Start to look for different avenues to your dream and reach out for help and guidance. Use your resources and keep on working. Do not let your first attempt be your last.

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